I already knew when I entered Humboldt for my undergraduate degree in psychology that I would pursue a graduate degree in School Psychology. I chose to apply to the program at Humboldt, because as someone who grew up in Humboldt County, it was important for me to stay close to home where I had support from friends and family. I didn’t know when I started the program that I would soon have a newfound group assisting me to realize my goal. I was amazed and honored by the support I received from the faculty and staff in the School Psychology graduate program. Not only did I have wonderful professors who supported my journey - I was placed at school sites where I experienced hands-on practical learning and professional development opportunities. I made school-site connections with teachers, administrators, other school personnel, students and their families. After a successful internship at Humboldt County Office of Education, I was subsequently hired full time as a school psychologist working with diverse populations, and am engaged in an exciting school transformation initiative with the Northern California MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) Coalition, providing training and consultation to local school districts focusing on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), restorative practices, academic interventions, inclusion, and other critical initiatives supported at the local and state level. I am grateful to be engaged in this exciting and enriching work.