Celebrating Student's Achievements 22-23
Congratulations to all Psychology students on a successful 22/23 school year. Here are a few highlights from this year:
Juergen Riedelsheimer has been accepted into a PhD program at Idaho State.
Many students presented posters and symposiums at Western Psychological Association Convention.
Benjamin Anjeweirden received the Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award for his Thesis on "Positive and Negative Contact as Predictors of Attitudes toward Law Enforcement".
Raul Roman received the Excellence in Club Sports Outstanding Student Award. He played men's volleyball and double majored in Criminology & Justice Studies and Psychology. He graduted this spring!
Corinne Harris received the Excellence in Community Service Outstanding Student Award. Some of Corinne shares that her community engagement includes "volunteering as a "Big" for Big Brother's Big Sisters, working as a senior care companion, interning with Humboldt Mediation Services, and serving as a crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line. Additionally, I'm conducting research on citizens’ assemblies for social change in Ben Graham's CAIRNS lab".