Gahtan Lab - Get involved
I welcome inquiries from ANY student interested in gaining neuroscience research experience. Students usually work together on projects related to the lab's main research areas but topics can also be self-directed. All members should be committed to maintaining good grades, taking biology and neuroscience courses at Humboldt, and pursuing post-gradaute training or work in related fields.
Student Research Assistant Syllabus
- Master a selected bibliography of scientific literature related to your project
- Develop research technology skills through hands on experience
- Develop scientific communication skills
- Pursue science-related career development opportunities
B. Guidelines and expectations
- Complete, as needed: laboratory safety training with Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), IRB CITI training for human subjects research, or IACUC CITI Training for vertebrate animal reseach.
- Spend a minimum of 2 hours per unit per week working on research projects
- Contribute to lab maintenance and fish care, including some weekend shifts
- Present once at lab meeting on your project (background, methods, or data)
- Follow the table of contents of a selected target journal
- Take careful records on all lab work in your lab notebook
- Be creative, share ideas, look things up, ask questions, try new things
- Exemplify high standards of personal and scientific ethics